
Knowledge Synergy Inc.

From information processing toward the knowledge processing
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Bayesia S.A.


Ontopia AS

Company name: Ontopia AS
Company Address: Waldemar Thranes gate 98
N-0175 Oslo, Norway
TEL: +47 23 23 30 80
FAX: +47 23 23 30 81
Web: http://www.ontopia.net
e-mail: info@ontopia.net

Ontopia was created to bring knowledge, information, and process management solutions to the market through the development of outstanding quality topic map software.


Company name: BAYESIA S.A.
Company Address: 6, rue Léonard de Vinci - BP0119
53001 Laval Cedex, France
TEL: +33(0)2 43 49 75 69
FAX: +33(0)2 43 49 75 83
Web: http://www.bayesia.com/
e-mail: info@bayesia.com